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The town of Vadtal is also known as Vadtal Swaminarayan. The temple here is in the shape of a lotus, with nine domes in the inner temple. The land for this shrine was donated by Joban Pagi, a dacoit converted into a devotee by Swaminarayan. The temple was constructed under the supervision of S.G. Brahmanand Swami.
Devotees from Vadtal had gone to Shreeji Maharaj on the day of Nirjala Ekadashi to meet him in Gadhada. On the next day - the twelfth day of the bright half of Jyestha - they requested to Swaminarayan to construct a Shri Krishna Mandir in Vadtal. Shreeji Maharaj commanded his disciple Brahmanand Swami to temporarily leave the construction of the Muli temple and proceed with a team of saints to plan and supervise the construction of a temple. The construction of this temple was completed within 15 months and the idols of Laxminarayan Dev were installed by Swaminarayan himself on the 3rd of November 1824, amidst chants of vedic hymns and devotional fervour of the installation ceremony. In the middle of the temple, he installed the idols of Laxminarayan dev and Ranchhodji. In the north, there are the idols of Dharmdev and Bhaktimata and his own form Harikrishna Maharaj. And in the south, Swaminarayan installed the idols of RadhaKrishna Dev and Harikrishna Maharaj. Shri Swaminarayan Mandir Vadtal, the head quarter of Shri LaxmiNarayan Dev Gadi. This temple contains three main shrines. Among which the central shrine is consecrated by installing the idols of Shri LaxmiNarayan Dev. On the right of this, the idols of Shri Radha Krishna accompanied with Supreme Lord Shri Swaminarayan in the form of Shri HariKrishna Maharaj are installed and on the left of Shri LaxmiNarayan Dev the idols of Shri Vasudev, Shri Dhamapita and Bhaktimata are installed. These idols in the temple were installed by Bhagwan Swaminarayan on 3rd November 1824, amidst the holy chants of Vedic hymns and devotional fervor of the installation ceremony.
The temple in Vadtal, also known as Vadtal Swaminarayan. This temple having lotus shaped plinth is a rare architectural specimen. The nine domes on the temple adores the elevation of the temple. The temple was got constructed under the able guidance of Sadguru Shree Brahmanand Swami. The pillars of the temple bear colorful stone carvings. The construction-work was completed within just fifteen months by the grace of Bhagwan Swaminarayan. The walls of the temple are decorated with colorful representations from the Ramayana.